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Bucket seats and sport seats from Recaro
For the past 100 years, develops and manufactures Recaro seats for cars and trucks. The program includes motor sports kits for vehicles from the areas of rally sport of endurance racing and GT or Touring. Designed for racing and motor sport seats and seat pans offer high side support, a high level of safety and meet so sometimes even the requirements of the FIA standard 8862-2009.
The seats can be optionally equipped with 4, 5 or 6-point harnesses. The covers are made from flame-resistant materials; in some models the seat cushion and seat and back cushions are interchangeable. Special protection offer the special head protectors and shock absorbing foam.
The seat shells are made - depending on model - optional from:
● Glass-reinforced plastic (GRP)
● Carbon Weave (CFRP)
● Carbon fabric (SPA)
The seats can be adjusted in sizes S and L to the size of the driver using multipart PAD kits. At just 6.5 kg, the seat models PROFI SPG + SPA and APEX are real lightweights at the motor sports seats
Bucket Seats and sport seats made by Recaro
Firstclass Comfort
Highest Felxebility
maximum Safety
The name stands for innovative and custom Recaro seats. The first-class workmanship and sporty trendy design are typical characteristics of automotive seats. Another important characteristic of the passenger car sport seats are mainly: